WAFA - M.K. - RAMALLAH, September 30, 2017 (WAFA) – The three Palestinian Arabic dailies published on Saturday highlighted on their front page controversial statements by the US ambassador to Israel, David Freidman, in which he said Israel occupies only two percent of the West Bank.

The papers highlighted the strong Palestinian reaction to these statements by Freidman, which contradict official US position on the 50-year long Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as well as international law and United Nations resolutions on the matter.

They also said the US administration has distant itself from Freidman’s statements. The US ambassador is a vocal supporter of Israel’s illegal settlement activities in the occupied territories and its occupation even though they contradict with official US policy.

Meanwhile, al-Ayyam said Palestine’s representative to Washington Hosam Zomlot met with US officials to discuss peace efforts.

Al-Quds said Israel rejected an American request to give Palestinians control over a road that goes through Area C that serve the new town of Rawabi, north of Ramallah. Area C makes around 60 percent of the area of the occupied West Bank and is under full Israeli control. Palestinians are not allowed any kind of work or investment in this area.

In other news, the papers reported on preparations in Gaza to receive the Palestinian government of Rami Hamdallah, which is expected to arrive there on Monday following rise in efforts to reunify the West Bank and Gaza Strip and end their 10-year-long division following the 2007 Hamas coup.

Al-Ayyam said Hamas denied that it has any operatives in Libya following claims by officials in that war-torn north African Arab country that a group related to Hamas was arrested in Libya. It considered these claims as unfounded and lies.

It also said Hamas leader in Gaza Yehya Sinwar announced that his movement has agreed to an Egyptian plan for prisoners swap with Israel presented two weeks ago but that Israel has rejected it.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida said Israeli forces quelled peaceful Palestinian anti-settlements protests in the West Bank and blocks roads near Ramallah area settlements to stop Palestinian commuters from using these roads during the Jewish holiday.

Al-Quds said human rights groups have submitted a 700-page report to the International Criminal Court in The Hague on Israeli violation of Palestinian human rights that amount to war crimes.

It said the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) received financial pledges that would cut its deficit to $77.5 million.

It said Palestinian businessman Mohammad Nabali, who was accused of embezzling banks by taking loans and skipping the country, has returned home and his family has denied any wrongdoing.


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