HOAs are community organizations created to allow residents a say in the matters that affect their daily lives. HOAs are run by volunteer officers elected to time-specific terms by fellow residents. Elected officers conduct the business of the neighborhood such as vetting and selecting service providers to maintain common areas, establishing codes of conduct for community living, organizing social functions, liaising with the Rawabi Municipality and a host of other responsibilities.
Every homeowner is entitled to run for election to the HOA Board; rotating terms ensure every resident's right to participate. The HOA also gives each resident a proper channel through which to peacefully arbitrate minor grievances that arise between neighbors. The HOA can be called upon to amicably settle small disputes that sometimes pop up in the course of daily life… a misunderstanding over a parking space, perhaps, or picking up after children or your pet in common areas.
The HOA concept is a new one for Palestine but one which is long overdue. It is critical we create mutually agreed upon standards for communal living and enforce observance of social courtesies as well as the law. Working together through the HOAs, Rawabi residents model a cooperative community lifestyle that can be easily replicated in existing neighborhoods throughout Palestine.